Roof Repair

Warning Sign That You May Need a Roof Repair


A large, brownish water stain on your ceiling is a sign of trouble. This is especially true if it’s not easy to identify. Water damage to your ceiling could be caused by many things. Most people assume that it is a roof leak. Although it is a common problem, roof damage is not always the cause.

These are some questions to ask yourself if you find a leak in your ceiling.

What should I do first?

Before you call a professional to repair your roof, make sure you first look at your attic.

You will need to remove any moisture or wet insulation. This is an important first step to determine if you need a roof repair, or a leaky pipe.

When does the leak occur?

You can also determine the time the leak occurred to pinpoint the culprit. It’s likely that the roof needs to be maintained if the leak appears during severe storms or dries up between. If the leak persists no matter what the weather, it is likely to be a problem with the plumbing in the attic.

What are Common Causes of Ceiling Leaks in Your Home?

Ceiling leaks do not always go straight down from the source. This can make it difficult to find the culprit. Some cases may not be obvious where the water is coming from. A ceiling leak can be caused by four things. These areas should be checked first to make the investigation easier and faster.

  • Skylights
  • HVAC systems
  • Leaking pipes
  • Roof leaks

It’s definitely a Roof Leak. What should I do now?

What should you do if you have researched the most common causes of roof leaks and feel confident that it is a problem that requires professional roof care? Call a trusted local roofing contractor to give you a second opinion.

Old Time Roofing offers a free estimate for roof repairs so that you feel comfortable and can know what to expect.

Did you know that even one shingle could cause a roof leak, causing your ceiling to fall? It is important to ensure that your roof is repaired quickly, especially if your home is located in an area susceptible to severe storms.

Your Roof Can Weather Storms

Contact Old Time Roofing immediately if you see a roof leak. We are licensed and insured to assist with any roof repairs you might need. However, we can also inspect your roof for any additional signs of concern prior to the next major storm.

Contact us today for a free estimate on your roof repair.

This post was written by Ted Williams! Ted is the owner of A Old Time Roofing, one of the best roofing companies in Saint Petersburg, FL!

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