Those Interior Design

Those Interior Design Styles that Add the Most Value


Interior design is, of course, an eternal concern for anybody involved in the property market. And yetat the same time, the types of interior design which afford a home the most value are anything but eternal. The outside and general curb appeal of property is not nearly so subject to the winds of fashion as the interior design.This is why a home will go through many and frequent interior design updates over the period from its construction to its eventual demolition. You only need to think of how instantly evocative of a time and place that “70s” wallpaper is, or that “80s” lampshade…

Therefore, the interior design styles which add the most value to a property are not set in stone. Nevertheless, the winds of fashion are not quite blustery enough to require you to update your interior design every other year. Infact, there are always a few interior design choices that are broadly considered “safe bets” by experts and real estate brokerages. These are the safest way to add some kind of lasting value to a home with an interior design choice.

What Detracts Value?

Before going on to a list of such interior design choiceshowever, it might be wise to consider a few red flags first. Generally speaking, the biggest thing to avoid when upgrading a home is to make it too personal. Most people with any experience in the property market know that preparing a home for a viewing is not the same thing as preparing it for living. Any excessively personal items, which might be adored by you while dividing opinion from all other quarters, should be avoided.

Of course, if you are to be living in the home for any length of time, you might have to strike a balance. Property experts CityHome Collective out of Utah advise that if you are renovating specifically to sell, then it is best to defer to the advice of a realtorrather than going with what you personally like.

The Styles Which Add the Most Value

So, what are the broad modern interior design styles which add the most value? Bearing in mind that there is plenty of room for innovating within each of these styles, here follows the ones that attract the biggest price tags these days:

Mid-Century Modern

Proof that retro is nearly alwaysin some way“in”, the mid-century modern style is one that buyers tend to appreciate a lot. Sleek, trendy, and particularly suiting open plan and single floor properties, mid-century modern is a contemporary winner.


Minimalism, space, and light are the three things that define this elegant style, which particularly suits modern properties but can certainly be adapted to older ones. The Scandinavian style is so instantly recognizable and popular these daysthat you can be sure it will not be falling from favor any time soon.

Shabby Chic

There is a certain whimsical nature to this style, coupled with an old-fashioned elegance and a modern emphasis on space and light. The good thing about shabby chic is that the “shabby” part rarely costs a terrific amount.


Rustic interior design evokes classic hotels, mountain cabins, and country manors. Despite this, it is not restricted to such properties. Depending on what you are starting with, it can be both expensive and tricky to get right.When pulled off correctly, it is sure to hike that price tag.

These are the styles which, as of now, attract the most value to a property. This is for no more complicated a reason than buyers want to live in them.

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